Established more than a decade ago, the Ridgefield Writer’s Guild is a time-honored organization of writers and poets whose genres span literary fiction, essay, short and flash fiction, young adult, children's books and poetry.

Its members include new author Linda Merlino, who is receiving critical acclaim for her debut literary novel Belly of the Whale, and actor and writer Jack Schmidt, two-time winner of the International Imitation Hemingway Competition. "Priming Pamela," a short story by longstanding guild member and essayist Lauren Salkin, is slated for publication in the literary journal Shroud. Adele M. Annesi will be presenting "A Portrait of Lincoln," a short story that appeared in Miranda Literary Journal and is based on the portrait of Abraham Lincoln that hangs in the library's upstairs reading room.

The Ridgefield Writer’s Guild meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the History Room of the Ridgefield Library to network, share information and receive constructive feedback. Special speakers are invited quarterly to group meetings to share their expertise. All speaking events are publicized in advance with an announcement in The Ridgefield Press.

For a schedule of guild meeting dates, visit the Events page of the Ridgefield Library Web site. The guild is open to new members, welcoming both emerging and established writers in various genres and styles, including short story and novel writing, children’s literature, young adult fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry.

Join us for this wonderful blend of talented writers. For more information, visit the Ridgefield Library or the Ridgefield Writer's Guild. Or contact Dayton Program Room events coordinator Lesley Lambton at Phone (203) 438-2282 x. 1013 or rdgprograms@biblio.org.